We can advise you on the nature of these agreements and help you to reach a decision about what you would like your agreement to say.  We can inform you about the necessary components to ensure that your agreement has the best chance of being binding if you need to rely upon it.

We can assist in drafting or settling the agreement or negotiating with the other side to agree terms.  We can help you to get your financial paperwork together to disclose to the other side.

We can represent you in executing your agreement, or we can guide you through it so that your document is properly executed.

Saturday appointments are available at our Central London office with Ana Gonzalez by prior arrangement.

Wilson Solicitors LLP is a limited liability partnership, registered in England and Wales with registered no OC347380. The registered office is the above address. Wilson Solicitors LLP is regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority of England and Wales with registered no 520695. The principal applicable professional rules are the Solicitors' Code of Conduct. We use the word 'partner' to refer to a member of the LLP, or an employee or consultant who is a lawyer with equivalent standing and qualifications. A list of members' names and a list of those non-members who are designated as partners are open to inspection at the registered office. The partners are solicitors of England and Wales. VAT no 553990412

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