Wilson Solicitors laments the passing of the Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill. Implementing this legislation, alongside the Illegal Migration Act 2023, will all but end the right to asylum in the UK.

Last year, the Court of Appeal and the Supreme Court decided that Rwanda is not a safe country to send asylum seekers to because of the risk of people being returned to countries where they face persecution. The legislation just passed by Parliament says that Rwanda is a safe country to send asylum seekers to, without allowing for the government’s evidence on why it is now safe being tested in court. The legislation thus severely undermines key tenets of this country’s constitutional arrangements, the rule of law and the separation of powers.

We believe the Rwanda policy will cause immeasurable suffering to already traumatised people who have fled war and human rights abuses. And we believe it will not achieve the government’s stated objective of deterring such people from making life endangering journeys to reach safety.

The expert representation of people seeking asylum has been a core part of the firm’s work for more than 30 years. The firm represented a number of people selected for removal on the June 2022 removal flight to Rwanda. Two of our clients were part of the successful challenges to the Rwanda policy in the Court of Appeal and Supreme Court. Others in this group have since had their asylum claims admitted for consideration in the UK. Others have had to lodge further legal challenges to the government’s decision to keep them in a limbo situation, whereby the consideration of their asylum claims has not even begun almost 2 years after they arrived.

The implementation of the Rwanda policy comes at a time when, due to government cuts, there is an acute shortage in immigration legal aid capacity. And the legislation seeks to severely restrict the possibilities for legal challenge.

The government has said that the first removal flights will likely start in July 2024. As a firm we must focus our limited resources on people who need our help most – most likely people who appear to have been detained for possible removal to Rwanda or people who receive letters dated after 22 April 2024saying they have been selected for removal to Rwanda. If you would like us to consider taking a case, you can email rwandareferrals@wilsonllp.co.uk. If we are unable to take on a case, we will signpost other organisations that might be able to help you find legal representation.


If you have any queries about our Rwanda work please contact Jed Pennington or Daniel Merriman.

If you have a family law case you need assistance with, please contact Mavis on 020 8885 7986 to arrange for an appointment with a solicitor in the family team.

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